Revenge of the Titans Wiki

Welcome to the Revenge of the Titans Wiki![]

The wiki dedicated to the game 'Revenge of the Titans' that anyone can edit! Want to help? Visit the Community Portal for ideas on where to start.

Useful Topics[]

Titans Buildings Research
Xenobiology Refinery Chemistry
Learn about the invaders known as Titans Turrets and other useful buildings R&D required to effectively repel Titans.

Powerups Medals Missions
Supershield Medal Gold Efficiency
List of all one-time use powerups, helpful for winning those tough missions. In-game Achievements worth points and money. Get briefed on missions

Particle Physics
Game concepts and everything else.


Other Topics[]

Revenge of the Titans Trailer

List of Categories


Recent News
30 May 2013
Patch v1.80.21 - Respec, Sandbox, Easy Mode, and new shader effects
15 Dec 2011
ROTT Patch v1.80.14 - New handling and other tweaks.
16 Mar 2011
ROTT on Steam - Revenge of the Titans is now available on Steam